Feel Good NOW
What if you could feel good right now?
… even without the perfect body, or perfect relationship, or perfect *whatever* that you’ve been waiting for.
So many of us are waiting for ‘some day’ in the future when we’ll magically become happy — but what if you didn’t have to wait?

Join me for the Feel Good NOW short course —
 where you’ll discover simple but genius ways to inject more joy and pleasure into your life, no matter where you’re at, and no matter what’s holding you back.
What if you could feel good right now?
… even without the perfect body, or perfect relationship, or perfect *whatever* that you’ve been waiting for.
So many of us are waiting for ‘some day’ in the future when we’ll magically become happy — but what if you didn’t have to wait?

Join me for the Feel Good NOW short course —
 where you’ll discover simple but genius ways to inject more joy and pleasure into your life, no matter where you’re at, and no matter what’s holding you back.
When it comes to feeling good, it’s our thoughts — not our circumstances — that matter most.
This is really good news.

Because it means there are so many strategies you can use right now to change your thinking so that you can change the way you feel.

Want to know how?

 Join me for this deep-dive and you’ll discover:
A Simple Mindset Shift
that will help you break the cycle of always *waiting* for happiness, and remind you how delicious it feels to be excited and turned on by your own life
What To Start Doing Immediately

if you want to feel good in the life you already have (and no, this is NOT the usual advice to take more bubble baths and get a pedicure!)
The Science-Based Reasons Your Brain Blocks Change
and the practical strategies to overcome this resistance and lock in your new feel-good habits
The Single MOST Important
Step To Take
if you want to stop living on autopilot, open the floodgates for more happiness, and create the life you truly want
Here’s how it works:
In this short course, I shari 4 simple, achievable steps to help you feel good right now (no more waiting, no more excuses, and definitely no bs advice that doesn’t work in real life).

You get 4 short training videos, a checklist, and a powerful workbook.

The end result?

Noticeably more joy and ease in your life in just one week.

(In other words: you’ll *feel* the difference. And I promise, it’s way easier than you think.)

About Lisa Corduff
Hi, I’m Lisa Corduff! I help women upgrade their mindset, get unstuck, and change the stuff that’s not working in their life.

As a solo parent of three and boss of my own business, there were a good few years there where I spent ALL my energy making sure everyone else in my life was okay, while completely ignoring my own needs... It was not fun. (Or healthy. Or sustainable.)

Fast forward to now, where I actually know how to nurture fun and pleasure in my life and do the stuff that genuinely fills me up (not just the hollow, Instagram-style self care)... and my whole life looks — and feels — very different.

If you like the idea of understanding which simple levers you can pull in your life to dial up your happiness right now (not when the kids are older, or your marriage improves, or you hit your goal weight, but right now)...

Then I’ve got tools that can help — and I want to share them with you!

So let’s do this: one week and four simple steps to feel wayyy better in your day to day life…

Lady, it’s a no-brainer!

Instant access — so you can be using the techniques in minutes
Watch on your phone or device, any time, any place
Lifetime access (all materials are yours for the lifetime of the program)
Only $47!
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Register now for instant access:
* By purchasing you agree to our terms and conditions
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With our 30-day guarantee, it’s risk free to join.

Join now, give the program a shot, and if — by the end of the 30 days — it hasn’t helped you implement ways to feel good, we’ll refund your money. Simply email my team (hello@lisacorduff.com) and we’ll process your refund as soon as possible.

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